Shoulder to Shoulder started in 1998. The name "Shoulder to Shoulder" reflects the collaborative nature of child welfare work in hopes that joint training would strengthen partnerships to improve outcomes for children and their families.
The Shoulder to Shoulder Conference was established in 1998 by a group of foster parents and CASAs. Our goal was to develop truly collaborative, professional training opportunities to be jointly attended by foster parents, caseworkers, CASAs, judicial staff and other community partners. We believe that joint training on children's issues can provide shared language, education and experiences, which contribute to strong partnerships on behalf of children.
1998 was the first Shoulder to Shoulder Conference and one hundred eighty partcipants attended. The participants included CASAs, caseworkers, foster parents, therapists, juvenile court attorneys, CRB members, adoption workers, parent trainings and other child welfare professionals. Over the years the conference has grown and changed locations to accomodate between 700-800 attendees.
Shoulder to Shoulder is not a formal entity; therefore we have no direct funding source. The planning committee convenes from a voluntary groups of agencies and nonprofits whose representatives offer the level of funding, in-kind resources, and staff support that their organization can provides. Under this community-based stewardship, Shoulder to Shoulder has grown to be one of the largest and most affordable child welfare conferences in the United States.
2022 Shoulder to Shoulder Information
2021 Shoulder to Shoulder Information
2020 Shoulder to Shoulder *
*conference was postponed due to COVID-19 Pandemic
2020 STS Partner Video Announcements
2019 Shoulder to Shoulder Information
2018 Shoulder to Shoulder Information
2017 Shoulder to Shoulder Information
2016 Shoulder to Shoulder Information
2015 Shoulder to Shoulder Information
2014 Shoulder to Shoulder Information
2013 Shoulder to Shoulder Information
2012 Shoulder to Shoulder Information

Conference funding was made possible by federal grant funds from the Oregon Department of Human Services and the Oregon Resource Family Alliance (formerly Oregon Foster Parent Association). Contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the grantors.